Higher Education in Canada

Welcome to Higher Education in Canada
Profiling research on higher education in Canada, this site provides information and resources emerging from the work of Professor Glen A. Jones and his research teams at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Glen’s scholarship focuses on Canadian and international higher education policy, governance and academic work.
New & Notable

Dominik Antonowicz and Glen A. Jones have completed a new book on university boards that will be released in November, 2023.

Glen co-edited this book from the APIKS project published by Springer in 2023.

This co-authored book by Eastman, Jones, Trottier and Begin-Caouette was published by McGill-Queen’s in 2022.

Glen co-edited this award-winning book from the APIKS project that published by Springer in 2021.

The Chinese-language edition of this foundational book by Ian Austin and Glen A. Jones was published in 2020.

Award-winning book co-edited by Tamtik, Trilokekar and Jones published by McGill-Queen’s in 2020.