Who We Are

The Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (SMT) is a hub for a scholarly community of researchers, located at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in the department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning (CTL), University of Toronto. Our core and affiliate faculty, and graduate students contribute to the life and work of the Centre through their research. The professional research interests of our members include astronomy, engineering, mathematics, science, technology, and a range of interdisciplinary topics.

Mission Statement

We strive to undertake research, development, and teaching that promote critical understanding, inclusion, diversity, equity, personal well-being, creativity, and social and environmental justice in all areas of science, mathematics and technology.

What We Do

Provide opportunities for faculty members, graduate students and other researchers to engage in collaborative research, curriculum development and teacher education.

Promote conditions for an education in science, mathematics and technology that meets the needs of all students.

Encourage a stimulating research community.

Offer enriched SMT graduate and initial teacher education courses.

Undertake a major publishing commitment (the Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education: CJSMTE).

Develop collaborative projects with groups in and beyond Canada.